We have lots of new content for you this week …

May 29, 2020

We have been speaking about end-of-year events in recent webinars. The use of video will be a key part of these presentations. This week we have content on Creating and Editing Video which will introduce you to various apps and methods to help with your video requirements. For those of you with iPhones or iPads, check out the Clips video in the carousel on the Home page. This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for creating and editing fun videos.

Seesaw is a digital learning platform that enables the creation of a portfolio of artefacts and activities to form a learning loop between teachers, students and families. This has been much requested by you so check it out!

Also, take a look at Mentimeter, a free tool that allows you to get real-time input from students through the use of live polls, quizzes, word clouds, questions and so on

We continue to expand our Technology and Pedagogy theme with content on the widely-used SAMR model.

In our Delivering Your Lessons Online section, Dr Carol-Ann O’Síoraín considers tips for supporting attention in learners with ADHD before and during live online lessons. You can also watch a short video from Carol-Ann in the carousel on the Home page.

We have a blog post from Hibernia College Researcher, Irene O’Dowd, on Ensuring privacy and security while teaching online. This is a very important topic and worth a look. Also, check out our section on Digital Safety for further information.

That’s it for now. Until the next update, good luck and stay safe!


Fran McKeagney

Head of Digital Learning

Posted in

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